The concept of the project revolves around the idea of redistributing the locations on the bicing stations In Barcelona, taking into account several parameters, including the walking distance, the amount of users .after getting the information from bicing website, we will locate the current locations, and then represent each station with a circle, the size will reflect the amount of users.
Some of these circles will intersect, and then we will take these intersection points, and represent them with new circles that are in reality the positions of the newly added stations
After having new positions we will get all the info back to impure and visualize all the info and show a comparison between old and new locations
The concept of the project revolves around the idea of redistributing the locations on the bicing stations In Barcelona, taking into account several parameters, including the walking distance, the amount of users .after getting the information from bicing website, we will locate the current locations, and then represent each station with a circle, the size
will reflect the amount of users.
Some of these circles will intersect, and then we will take these intersection points, and represent them with new circles that are in reality the positions of the newly added stations After having new positions we will get all the info back to impure and visualize all the info and show a comparison between old and new locations