Category Archives: Moritz Begle

The Jungle


moritz begle, stuart maggs, urte naujekaite, dori sadan

moritz begle, stuart maggs, urte naujekaite, dori sadan

(click)—————–>INTRODUCTION: AIR POLLUTION local becomes global <————————–

Air pollution on a global and urban scale is a huge problem. Levels of C02 due to human activities have reached record levels of over 400PPM. Opposed to 350 ppm which is cited as a safe level (Hansen, James, et al. Target Atmospheric CO2: Supporting Ma- terial. April 7, 2008) On an urban scale the World Health Organ- isation predicts that life expectancy is reduced by 8 months due to air pollution.

The Jungle creates a system for cleaning the air on our site, which could be applied to others around Barcelona or the world.

A cloud problem requires a cloud solution. The jungle senses the cloud of pollution from external sources before reacting, creat- ing a cloud on site which captures pollution. This cloud is then manipulated to rain on site through over seeding, removing the pollution from the air.


Bildschirmfoto 2013-08-01 um 14.02.48 To create a self sufficient system energy is needed. Algae takes c02 and waste water from the Tersa power station creating bio-mass to power the cloud. With this two pollution sources are filtered whilst simultaneously providing energy. The algae system becomes economically viable due to the proximity of co2 and waste water to create bio-mass competitive with traditional sources.

Through the combination of these two systems, the jungle pro- vides a viable solution to urban air quality on our site and a model applicable to other locations.


Bildschirmfoto 2013-08-01 um 14.14.462 copyMo-Al-1024px@72dpi-1Mo-Al-1024px@72dpi-4

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