Author Archives: Moushira

Final Research –Phase IIII — Defining deliverables and next steps

So, after testing the sensor, I decided to give up the idea of using lights and turn to a different medium. Ideally, if we have the frequency detected, then we can trigger different colors based on frequency range, but with the current readings of this sensor, we get numbers within a range, which we can [...]

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Final Research: Phase III — How does that data look like?

So, now we know that in order to build the sensor we need an antenna and RF amplifier piece, but first we need to specify what bandwidths we are talking about, in order to specify our selection. I chose to go for apps from 500Mhz to 3~5 Ghz, given that that is what most of [...]

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Final Research: Phase II –electromagnetic waves viziualization

So, how does that work? Well, it is like we need to talk to the wave in order to interact with it, and the way how to grab its attention is the antenna. There is a relationship between antenna design and the bandwidth, so what works for GSM doens’t work for FM etc..and since we [...]

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Final Research – Phase I — On the issue of waves!

Research Phase I: The purpose of this research is to find ways to interact with electromagnetic waves. Visiualize them. Hear them, any method that would give voice to this unseen which defines our daily lives. I have an interest the unknown and I like to be surprised. In the beginning of the research phase, I [...]

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