Monthly Archives: January 2013

Beat Glove Proto_2- Wifly Osc

P1015305 from rafael vargas on Vimeo. P1015315 from rafael vargas on Vimeo. Glove osc Update from rafael vargas on Vimeo. The drum gloves comes from the idea of converting movements and sounds from physical and electronic instruments into a portable ‘surface free’ sound producer. Instead of hitting a specific surface with your fingers that outcomes [...]

Posted in Physical Computing, Rafael Vargas, Students | Comments closed

Live Radio –Phew!

OK, so I have been developing the work around the live radio over the last month. When I say last “month”, you assume that I am now done with three radio projects instead of one, but unfortunately, that’s not quite the case. My main interest in this project is to create a complete system composed [...]

Posted in Moushira Elamrawy, Physical Computing | Leave a comment

Final-Project Jumobj

The idea for the final project is the make an object that jumps that’s why the name JUMOBJ. So we have a tetrahedral as our shape. I chose this shape because opposite to every surface there are corners. So i used this arrangement of a form as my input and output. So I have a light sensor in the center of each surface [...]

Posted in Furqan Habib, Physical Computing | Comments closed