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3rd Phase_1st Assignment: Hugo Carvallo

After the 2nd phase Final Presentation, I started developing not only more and better spaces for the inhabitants of the block, but also I started looking at different connections of the block/building such as the infrastructure related to the ground or the components-units as complementary form of the interior spaces of the building, and the possibility of having a single way of interior circulation.

In the next set of diagrams, it is been clearly identified the relationship between the diagonal steep top with the horizontal and vertical axis, also we notice the separation of the hexagon residential units to give shape to a sporadic (and better distributed) potential openings for natural (direct/indirect) lighting and ventilation.

Please follow the link to the file:

3rd Phase_1st Assignment: Hugo Carvallo

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Recycling Skin

The concept of the project is a skin that reacts to the outside environment balancing energy consumption and transforms the Cerda blocks of Barcelona into a self sufficient system.

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whole presentation clicking below on “open publication”

Self-Sufficient Block
Trying have a look to the past, adapting the proposal to the Cerdá’s urban structure, in order to keep the own character of the city (not only adjusting the façades to the pre-existing grid maintaining the alingment of the streets, but also providing a big central courtyard working as public space inside the block, as the original thoughts of Ildefons Cerdá), the building also tries to look forward to the new paradigm of Self-Sufficient architecture.

Taking advantage of the solar energy as main and easiest renewable energy source to get in Barcelona, the building tries to orient itself to the position of the sun. Its form follows the sun tilting the main “roof-façade” into a proper angle for solar energy gathering, but also decrease its hight in the south part and increase it in the north part, in order to allow the best access to the solar daylight as possible to the whole building.

The characteristic element of this building, its tilted “roof-façade”, has been thought as a double skin which will contain a mixed system of photovoltaics panels and openings, based on Ecotect analysis and the own interior program, thus optimizing the position of panels and voids. Overheating inside the building will be also controlled through the double skin, allowing a natural flow of air through the gap between the interior and the exterior skin.

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Self Sufficient Block

Self Sufficient Building Studio . Final Presentation

By: Luz Michelle Lavayen

The objective of the project is to transform one Cerda Block of Barcelona into a Self Sufficient Block. The main concepts for developing the block were to free the ground level, create an underground patio and use it as a public green space in order to connect and give back interactive spaces to the city. Analyzing the structure of a tree and its growth I can relate the process of the project. Organizing the different programs according to better location for those activities and also connecting them. The inverted topography of the building will work as structure, vertical circulation and fluid system for sustainable elements, it also becomes the skin of the building. This metabolic structure will serve to harvest water to produce energy, clean grey water for farming and public green areas, waste management, geothermal system, wind power from turbines located in the top patios and  solar photovoltaic panels on south side of the block where it can take advantage of the most of radiation.

Click here to see full publication of the project. self sufficient block_luz michelle lavayen

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RS2 – Final Presentation

RS2_Final Presentation

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