Comparing two models: Ciutat Meridiana vs Torre Barò

  • Team Group 4 : Carlo Caltabiano, Amayuday Gurkar, Juan Antonio Tames Elizondo

This work analyzes the density and energy performarce of the residencial buildings in Ciutat Meridiana and Torre Barò district in Barcelona.
Comparing these two models is possible to see the difference in the neighborhoods identity.
Ciudad Meridiana was developed to accommodate the boom of immigrants coming to Barcelona during the 1960s. This neighborhoods can be consider a dormitory city, the concentration of residencial buildings is very hight, on the contrary Torre Barò has a very low density, but the concentration of the buildings is spread out in a bigger area, and also almost all are single houses.
To compare these two situation, we have mesured the amount of volume building for each fabric in the neigborhoods and to mesure the energy efficent we considerded the geographic location, typology and age of the building. We have taken in consideration also the type of the heiting system , the insulated surfaces (roofspace, walls), the number and type of windows.

The analysis of these two differets living condition has the goal of improve the energy condition of the general area, in order to use Ciutat Meridiana as energy collector for Torre Barò, trying to find a balance between them.

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