Mapping – Poble Nou – BCN

How do we transform an existing city into a zero emission city? We need to add something – something that creates energy and feeds the city with clean energy. This is a mapping that shows potential building sites in Barcelona and thereby shows where we are able to add something that generates energy.

The mappings shows the life circle of the buildings in Barcelona, by mapping the age of the existing buildings and relate it to time, the mapping gives an idea of potential buildings sites in the future. The buildings have a life circle of 80 years, after 80 years the building dies and become a potential building site. The mapping contains an exception – immortal buildings are released from the life circle. Immortals buildings are buildings that through their function, iconic status or historic significance doesn’t die.

The mapping is an abstract machine which implications is depending on the input (data) and therefor is totally open. In this case it is analyzing the evolution of Barcelona by establish a relationship between the ages of the building in relation to time. It is not limited to one type of data, it could as well being analyzing another set of data, like the energy consumption of the buildings.

The mapping is and algorithmic process generated through processing. Potentially the diagram could not only show the data, but also react to data and become a design tool. If the conditions change it would recalculate the planning and optimize the design base on the new data.


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  1. By Wind Analysis | BCN zero emissions city on December 8, 2010 at 11:46 pm

    [...] Mapping Poble Nou [...]

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