Carbon Emissions v/s Sequestration – Barrio 7

Barrio 7 – Antonio Tames , Carlo Caltabiano, Amay Uday Gurkar.

Looking at the complexities of our Barrio – comprising of Torre Baro (singular family houses), Ciutat Meridiana (multi-storeyed Housing complex), and Vallabona (mix of singular family houses + multi-storeyed housing), the presence of the Cement manufacturing Industries, and the widest stretch of highway connecting Barcelona to the neighbouring cities; there was an obvious interpretation that the site produced huge amounts of Carbon emissions, only from the industries and the highways. The map was generated to understand the quantity of carbon emission at various stages, eg- Industries, Cars, Housings. and compare this quantity to the amount of carbon sequestrated by the trees. So a grid of 100 m x 100 m was created which would measure the amount of carbon emitted while also mapping the sequestration process by all the trees within each grid. The conclusion from the mapping was that the sequestration amount is so little it is not the optimum solution for the consumption of carbon.  The mapping shown above is at 1:2000 scale and shows the monthly cycle of emissions.

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