Energy Consumption Mapping | Poble Nou – BCN 0 Emissions

Barrio 3 Team Members : Ayber Gülfer, Manuel Huerta, Morten Bülow

This mapping  focused on  energy consumption in terms of the building typologies… Therefore it shows the buildings which consumes more energy and which areas should have been considered to produce energy or reduce consumption in order to keep the balance. The highest  energy consumers should be working  in a selfsufficient way. In order to do that one of the ways of energy producing , solar energy has been tried. So that  annual solar radiation on the facades of the buildings which is  in more consumers’ area, have been calculated in order to analyse which facades are more efficient.

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  1. By Wind Analysis | BCN zero emissions city on December 8, 2010 at 7:23 am

    [...] Energy Consumption [...]

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