Mapping green_Park de Montjuic. Comparing green areas_density

The mapping analyze the existence situation in the area of Montjuic. The goal of this research is to show how the green areas affect the preferences of the visitors in the park of Montjuic. In the first map we can see the categories of the vegetation in Montjuic depended on the height, that was a usefull information because it helped us realize that the planted area with the view of the city, is the one who has more attractions. The second map is an effort to represent the movements of the visitors per day in order to understand  which are the more dense areas and to identify the specific “meeting” points. After the first recognition of the area, we came up with the result of the next two maps. Using the density of the people per square meter in each green area and the equation I= P*A*T(P=population, A=affluence,average consumption of each person in the population, T=technology,environmental damage inflicted by the technologies used to supply each unit of consumption) that gives us the bad impact on the environment per person, we create a map of the bad impact concerning the green areas. At last in the map with the zoom area, it is shown how the quality of the vegetation affects that impact(the definition of the vegetation’s quality is represented  in the legend by using vegetation’s categories). The final result_conclusion of the whole research could be the fact that the green areas are not always the “best” solution for the environmental problems, even if we want to think of them like that. We have to take into consideration all the parameters and the results of having green areas so that we can use the benefits of a good vegetation plan.

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