Montjuic: an Energy Fabricator ???

When we started studying the Montjuic and Zona Franca area we thought it would be an energy efficient zone, however close analysis of the site revealed that though green, Montjuic and Zona Frnca did give off large amounts of carbon emissions. We used a grid of 50 X 50 metres to calculate the quantity of emissions released by the different agencies in that controlled area, while also considering the amount absorbed by the trees there. However the graphs represented the stark difference in the values for the absorbed and emitted carbon. It hence became clear that to achieve a state of ‘zero balance‘  a whole new approach needed to be adopted.


Montjuic could be a potential energy fabricator, considering its topography and close proximity to the sea. Some of the proposals drawn could be in the lines of:

  1. Green spaces: The site has several gardens in it. However these have mostly grass and not too many trees. Since it is these trees that absorb most emissions and require least maintainance it would be appropriate to convert most green spaces into groves.
  2. Energy from wind:Close proximity to the coast guarantees Montjuic strong winds all through the year. Added to this the topography ensures that the winds flow across the site. Placing windmills at stratergic high points near the coastal edge would help generate ‘emission free’ healthy energy for the site.
  3. Energy from water:Renewable energy could be generated from sea water that could be pumped up to the highest point on Montjuic and be allowed to flow down in regulated paths. This water could on its way down rotate energy generating turbines before it finally is let out into the sea again from the low points of the site.
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