Transportation to polution in Montjuic and Zona Franca

The proposal studies the transport according to the polution produced and the capacity of charge (passenger or goods).  Only two variables of data shape the maps. For polution the variable is the fuel spent by each way of transport, measured in L/Km/Person.  For mobilty the variable is the quantity of People x 1000/Day trasported. With these two variables we can compare the different vehicles in order to see it relevance in mobility and polution.
Due to the overlay of the different transports and their nature, the study clasifies three kind of trasportation: public, private and logistics.

According to the color scale that measures the polution we find two kind of maps. Infrared scale in order to keep the precise information about the amount of polution of each transport and x ray transparency scale in order to treat intersections and overlays.

The mobility, seen as capacity of charge, is expresed by the thickness of the routes.

X Ray scanners have the property of reading different densities in a overlay structure. Each material presents a different opacity to x ray radiation. Inz a x ray radiography we find air as black, water as grey, fats as dark grey and bones as white.  The overlay is expressed with intesities of white.

Infrared scanners have the property of reading the heating radiated by different sources. In order to have a precise and easy perception of data, the colors change in a short variation of its variable in the scale.

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