Montjuic: Pumped Storage Hydroelectricity.

Contrary to our first opinion of Montjuic, the site does not absorb carbon emissions thanks to the abundant green spaces but in fact emits large quantities of these emissions from the museums and other public attractors. Thus it was necessary to transform the role that Montjuic played and help maintain the ecological balance.

Given the location adjacent to the sea and the height of the site above sea level, a proposal to use Montjuic as a suitable site for Pumped Storage Hydroelectricity can be made. The system can intake its water from the sea at night, when the electricity prices are low, and the water can be released through turbines during the day when the electricity demand is at its peak. Thus it can make up for the excess demand for electricity when the cost of power is high, while making money for the system.

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A detailed presentation can be viewed on the following issuu link:

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