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Social Innovation Incubator

INTRODUCTION: The Unemployment Crisis in Barcelona

The beginning of the crisis is the end of the economic model based on carbon and oil. Science and technology advance fast. However, millions of jobs in manufacture and services were eliminated because they operate in THE old model that cannot support them.

We are living a revolution that links technology, communication and energy.  To beat the crisis we need to live in this new paradigm, rely on innovation and create a knowledge society to organize the Third Industrial Revolution.


But who are these millions of jobs lost?

We have

*The workers whose technical abilities are now obsolete.

*The person with academic knowledge without a job

*The entrepreneurs whose companies are in crisis

No matter their background, they’re left behind because they operate in the old economic model. Our SOCIAL INNOVATION INCUBATOR performs through an educational path and is set in a revolutionary environment, it gives people a platform to innovate and find their job opportunities.

Let’s see how it works.

You have no job opportunities. You enter the Social Innovation Incubator and start a learning path

01 the building responds to the context and inspires innovation

02 you are introduced to advanced knowledge, tools and processes

03 you practice test and perform innovator projects

04 you connect to people in different levels and fields

05 you are motivated to now generate or find jobs

06 you come out to become a seed of innovation in the knowledge community


In order to promote innovation, both the building itself and the processes happening around it, should be innovative. Therefore, we developed a Learning Methodology based on the analysis of several educational models and theories that were revolutionary in their times or are now shaping the new methods, paying specific attention to the Steiner Education and the Bauhaus.

FINAL PRESENTATION_SOCIAL INNOVATION INCUBATOR16The Learning Methodology of our SII is founded in 6 pillars: Contextual, Comprehensive, Adaptive, Active, Self and Know-how Learning. They allow the learners to count on a holistic approach, multidisciplinary and multilevel strategy, lifelong learning capacity, career and life project oriented education in a fast track learning. On the other hand, the Learning strategy allows 200 new learners to enter the SII every week and complete their learning path 3 weeks later.

The program is organized in circuits that respond to this methodology and learning strategies. Training, Networking, Performance, Cultural and Service circuits, provide the learners with the spatial characteristics to learn, connect to others, be productive and interact.


The building grows along the learning path by aggregation. There are 3 basic modules that are located in different parts of the circuits, according to the activity of the program and the potential density of the space. The main structure of these modules is made of card board tubes that contain panels of diverse materials. The heavier ones lay on the bottom and grow lighter to the top.

The different panels allow transparency, natural ventilation and, the ones that obtain more exposure to the solar incidence, enclose one of our power sources: the Mediterranean Energy Tool. The MET is a battery that works with salt water and gives energy to the sensors that open and close components to control the entrance of light and heat to the building.

All these processes are evident in the building to generate an environment of innovation and inspire the learners. As the learners come out, they spread into the new knowledge community to become part of the 1% of the unemployed people of Barcelona that has now a revolutionary perspective.




Also posted in Alejandra Díaz de León Lastras, Mauricio F Valenzuela Lanzas, Robert Francisco Garita Garita, Uncategorized | Comments closed

Social Innovation Incubator

The Social Innovation Incubator is based on the actual economic and social context that Spain and Barcelona are facing. Through these projects, we are promoting an innovative way of rapid education in advanced technologies  providing unemployees with the right tools  to adquire new skills so that they can find opportunities in new economic fields. The goal is to introduce these people in the third industrial revolution and the new markets.

The project is contained in an hybrid program where the MAIN TOPIC is education. All the other parts of the program are for enhancing the education experience and be more effective in the main goal of the future building.

Also the building is consider itself “social innovation” by taking the context to gather new energy sources for its operative system and infrastructure, specially from the high rates of salinity of the Mediterranean Sea.

For more info click here (The video)

The Social Innovation Incubator Map (The diagram)

Also posted in Alejandra Díaz de León Lastras, Mauricio F Valenzuela Lanzas, Robert Francisco Garita Garita | Comments closed