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[Encrypted Rome'15]


See details of each of the projects below

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[anti_material outpour] [diffused city; anti_green belt]


Through this scanning we have come to a context-specific design proposal, where we have tried to simulate the roman fractals on our assigned lot. This information source was important for us to state our attempt to come to a processing script that is more than just an algorithm for itself or a formal game per se. This way, this advanced digital tool became a tool that provides the notion of belongings and translates the geological identity of the context into a design proposal.

The theoretical basis of our proposal comes from our shared interest in the interdisciplinary urban design and planning direction: Landscape urbanism. Where the perception of the traditional urban park that has been planned by mechanistic zoning plans, is freed from its fences and borders, and the idea of designing the nature stems.

An Australian landscape architect states “landscape is the infrastructure of the future.” We know that a transportation infrastructure is more than a highway, but a linear point of attraction for commercial and industrial activities. We know that landscape is a medium to construct the networks of transportation infrastructures. So how do we take this landscape urbanist idea of greening cities forward?

What if landscape itself provides an alternate layer of infrastructure in which we cultivate, produce, and transport? The aim is to attract agriculture based industry along this sublayer of green infrastructure so that we provide a context-specific productive landscape.



anti_material  manifesto




>> Mehmet Akdogan

>>Asya Güney

>>Neel Kaul

>>Diego Ramirez

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Castelli 2050, Economy Of Enough


Consumer economy takes a great deal for granted, wanting things for free, and is constituently unable to pay for them; This is at the root of the economic crisis Europe has been facing since 2008.

Since the crash, the financial crisis is the normal consequence of a system that can’t work the way it is structured. The only real solution is to completely re-think our culture of consumption

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Peri-Urban Agriculture



How Do We Develop Urban Farming Before Density Increases?

This project aims to challenge the accepted process of urban development by proposing a system that encourages urban growth without threatening agricultural production.

Project Team: Taiesha Edwards, Denis Li, Saad Saheen




The people of Castelli ought to get ready what’s coming! The word around Rome is it’s time to expand and their rural neighbor is looking rather attractive with its existing ease of access, rich villas, and dominating fields of production. More and more people with full wallets and empty stomachs will be great for Castelli! Then friends will tell friends about this beautiful new suburb close to Rome but cheaper, and more and more and even more people will move to Castelli.

But where will all these people build their homes and cafes and grocery stores and schools? Will they threaten the the robust production that currently relies on its sprawling agricultural fields? Before you know it, Rome will have a competitive cityscape adjacent to its fading border. Homes will become towers and productive vineyards will be striped down to ornamental greenery on balconies and roofs.


Could we free up some of the landscape by dynamically stacking the production fields? It would be like using localized agricultural squares  to attract newcomers to planned spaces before density forces Castelli to limit or eradicate green space. How do we develop urban farming before density increases?







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red mesh3_pia


Our society is going into an absurd direction. On one hand we consume and consume – and therefore we need more and more production. On the other hand there is even more produced than actually consumed. And in the end what is left is trash – tons of trash. But what happens with all that waste? Where is it going?


So far Castelli seems like a harmonic site at the edge of Rome where suburban and agricultural area merge. But there is already a mismatch. Agricultural production is there to feed the city of Rome while the trash is emerging from there, being piled up in landfills around the belt.


We tried to imagine what might happen if we keep going on like this. We created a future where the waste is not abandoned anymore but embraced. We abused a Processing script to bring the trash to life and let it grow by itself. The script generated an independent structure that would take over the site of Castelli.

Everything turns sooner or later into trash, even buildings. But why not going the other way around? Can the trash have another life again? Can it create a new habitat, a new urban structure? If we cannot change our habits, can we maybe live with the results?






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