City to City


City to City

By: Igor Cegar

Tamara Ivanovic

Teresa Londoño

City to City 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


Project by: Igor cegar-Tamara ivanovic-Teresa londoño

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Landscape of Experiences



We started with four items – a particular section for the terrain, the cable car as device, the tourist as user and art for the time factor. With those elements we should create an urban structure that will be contemporary in 100 years.

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Hedonistic Landscape



We believe that there are a thousand ways to make people happy although most of them involve some combination of expectation and gratification. Tourism for example usually has a lot of expectation around it.  We want to experience a different way of life, because (and I think we can all agree) people want whatever it is they don’t have.

A life spent in pursuit of pleasure can in fact an admirable choice.  So long as nobody gets hurt hedonism can actually be a pillar of a utopian society. We can look at A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley as an example of a hedonistic society.  However one way that this civilisation fails is the lack of choice and the rigid definitions of pleasure.


Two of the earliest schools of thought on pleasure were the Epicurean and the Stoic, each of which provides a completely different outlook although surely both are valid.  To put it simply whether you volunteer at the children’s hospital or pretend to be Christian Grey good for you!  We don’t judge.


Hedonistic societies are often associated with freedom and food and orgies , but could just as easily encompass education and sports and health care. However aside from social needs or individual wants what else can give us pleasure?…


…Can architecture? Certainly it can!  How does sitting by an open window while it’s raining make you feel?  Or being a hundred stories up and seeing the city moving beneath you?These are just two examples of the millions of ways architecture can give each us individuals pleasure.  Therefore what we propose putting the power back into the hands of the collective.


Already we can see that technology is enabling people to have more input on the greater movements of society and the economy ; for example Kickstarter and Wikileaks.  We imagine that the future will be a kind of “hyper-democracy” where governments will no longer have leaders because every decision can be made by referendum.  People will have more responsibility for their regional politics, economy and even their urban environment.  To that end we have reduced human desire into three spatially quantifiable pairings – sun and shade, space or proximity, and exclusivity or inclusivity.

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SUN_This need varies from person to person and day to day. For instance, some people like to wake up to the sun shining through their window…


SHADE_Others prefer their bedrooms dark and cavernous…9

OPEN SPACE_We know that some people enjoy peaceful surroundings…


PROXIMITY_We also know that some other people prefer proximity between each other…


EXCLUSIVITY_There are plenty of people that enjoy the deference of other, having doors open and always in a  situation of control and power…


INCLUSIVITY_there are also people who would not give the warmth of melting into a crowd and becoming part of a tangle of arms and laughter…




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Asya Guney

Zachary Trattner

Diego Ramirez

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