Off grid energy


<a href=””>Liliana Viveros</a>
<a href=””>Renata Stefanelli</a>

[Definition of the Project]

Image 1.Possible green technologies

The goal of the project is to create a tool for all the IaaC’s Self Sufficient Building Studio to visualize the best option of energy to be implemented into the projects.

The idea is that anyone can put their own data (constructed area and energy consumed) and know how efficient are the new technologies proposed (image 1).

In this example we try to visualize the amount of energy consumed by each existing building in the block located in between the streets of Pujades and Llull (image 2) and how much new energy off grid it can produce.

In order to achieve this we must have calculate the current amount of energy consumed per building by area and zoning.

Afterwards set every technology connected to an interval selector. Each intejrval selector would set the amount of energy each technology can produce per meter squared or units. In other words, it would set a range of efficiency of energy production.

Image 2. Location of the Case Study

At the end we want to visualize if the amount of energy consumed and produced can be balanced according to the strategies that we are using or not in our new design.  When you set all the parameters of the green technologies, you can see if the amount of energy consumed and produced can reach a balance between them.

Image 3. Energy of each building (Kwh)

All the amount of energy that the technologies produce are going to be gathered and sum in one entity and the amount of energy consumed is going to be another separate entity and the subtraction of both is going to be the result of the efficiency or the performance of the block. To visualize this amount of energy (Kwh) we want to do it with Histograms and combine all the information in a 3D visualizator such as we can see in the image 3.

[Description of the dataset]

1.Height of the buildings in the block.

Gather the number of floors of each building in the webiste of the Ayuntamiento of Barcelona through the Catastro of each parcela. Assuming the average height of one floor is 3.5m, create a CSV file that demonstrates the height in meters of each building in the existing block.

2.Areas of the buildings in the block.

Gather the information in the webiste of the Ayuntamiento of Barcelona through the Catastro of each parcela, create a CSV file that demonstrates the constructed area of each building in the existing block.

3.Amount of Energy Consumed by each existing building.

Create a CSV file that demonstrates the amount of kw/hr/yr that each building consumes  according to its use and its constructed area.

4.Amount of Energy Produced by each alternative technology.

Create a CSV file that demonstrates the amount of kw/hr/yr that each alternative technology produces. The technologies being studied are: photovoltaic panels, wind mills, geothermal and hydroelectricity.

Once we have this data visualized we want to put some interval selectors  that represent “green strategies” or “alternative technologies” such as photovoltaic panels, green roofs, wind mills, etc. that could be implemented into the design of the building.

For example assuming that each square meter of photovoltaic panel produces X amount of  energy (Kwh), when we move the interval selector the 3D amount of energy already represented in the building, would be reduced, since now its consumption of energy is produced off-grid and no longer from the existent infrastructure of Barcelona as represented in the first graph.



CSV Loader

Table Visualizator

Get Element from List

Get Sub List



Color Picker


Image 4.Mock up Histograms

Image 5.Data into map


So far we have achieved to visualize the amount of energy each technology can produce by each m². We were able to combine all the information into a single CSV so we can select each information by using GetElementfromList in order to do the calculations of which technologies to select to balance with the amount of energy the block already consumes.


The constructed area demonstrated in a Pie Graph.

The height of the buildings demonstrated by a histogram set into temperature colors.

Technologies in separate CSVs

Each technology separated into a CSV and the Histogram representing the amount of energy produced by m².

Green technologies gathered in one Csv

Each technology gathered into a unique CSV, selecting each column (technology) using an ElementfromList  connecting to individual Histograms representing the amount of energy produced by m².

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