Category Archives: Anna Popova


ECOTECT™, Digital Tools Assignment

  1. 1. Shadows and Reflections

Ecotect™ allows us to see how our future building is going to cast shadows on the surroundings or how do the current buildings cast shadows on each other on a certain day at a certain time or all year round. This helps find the right shape of the building and prevent overshadowing.

To turn on shadows and reflections display we can use the Display tab in the upper panel or F9 and F10 on the keyboard. But for me the easiest way to control and set shadow and reflections is the Shadow Settings Panel on the right side of the window. But before that, of course, we have to load the Weather File. For the Shadows and Reflections exercise (which I did on my Superblock) I chose Barcelona and Seoul to compare.

Daily Sun Path, Barcelona, 1st of December, shadows shown for 15:00, screenshot

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