Category Archives: Alejandro Nuñez López

Biosensors for the city, Ribbons

Click for the video – Examining the air flows by ribbons.

Also posted in Alessandra Antonetti, Alexandre Dubor, Anna Popova, Aron Biro, Avershima Iyortyer, Chun-Yu Lin, Deniz Tumerdem, Emily Santos, Farshad Mehdizadeh, Gabriel Bello Diaz, Golrokh Shahbaz, GONZALO MANUEL GARRIGA, Guruprakash Gonvidasami, Hulda Jonsdottir, HUNIA TOMOUM, Inder Prakash Singh Shergill, Jesus Sapien, Jianhong Wu, Jinglu Zhu, Liv Grete Framgard, Maria Elena Amescua Dacasa, Oscar Gomez de la Vega, Raja Vignesh, Ranjini Manimudi, Ricardo Fernandez, Seyedahmad Bathaei, Swethambari Sridharan, Theodoros Grousopoulos, YA-PING CHEN | Comments closed

Collecting Data

In the first stage of the workshop, we collect 32 samples of dust on a route that covered 8 blocks, from the IAAC building to the Passeig de Pujades, in order to generate a database to feed a series of Pachube feeds, that afterwards compose an interactive graph with the information of all the groups on the Google Earth platform.

Also posted in Liv Grete Framgard, Maria Elena Amescua Dacasa, Seif El-Din Shawky | Comments closed

Wind Study, Port de Barcelona

Three groups of students studied the wind in different places around the Port: Moll de Ponent, base of Montjuic and top of Montjuic. Here is the video of the studies: Video
Arian Hakimi Nejad
Alejandro Nuñez López
Anna Popova
Aron Biro
Devyani Gupta
Jesus Sapien
Minu Surana
Seif El-Din Shawky
Also posted in Anna Popova, Arian Hakimi Nejad, Aron Biro, Devyani Gupta, Jesus Sapien, Minu Surana, Seif El-Din Shawky | Comments closed