Author Archives: iaac

MIT students visit to 22@ and Endesa Pavillion

MIT students at Endesa Pavillion. Sunday bike architectural tour around 22@ disctrict visiting among others the Ruiz-Geli MediaTIC, Miralles Diagonal Mar Park, Herzog&deMeuron Forum Auditorium and Lapeña&ElíasTorres photovoltaic pergolas.

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MIT & IAAC students visit to 22@ office

The workshop started with a lecture on Poble Nou evolution: Discussion emerged afterwards on issues such as urban strategies of retrofitting urban fabrics or densification and scale.

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MIT & IAAC workshop on 22@ selfsufficiency

Environmental Grafts. Self-sufficient plug-in devices at CanAlier Warehouse, 22@ BCN. Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Dept of Architecture meet in Barcelona for a 5days Intensive Workshop. Researchers will develop a catalog of constructive prototypes for urban retrofitting. Catalog will be applied to the Can Alier case study, an [...]

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RS2 Final Presentations

Javier Peña discussing on 22@ filtrating towers project, with Josep Mias (MIAS Architects), Javier Jimenez Iniesta (Architect) and Jordi Pages i Ramon & Lluís Viu (Max de Cusa Architects) as invited jury. More pics after the read more…

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BlockPEREIV – stage of the project development

project by the MAA´s :  Oscar Gomez (Mexixo) and Ahmad Bathaei (Iran)

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