We chose Fargo, Barcelona and Beirut.
Specially Fargo,North Dakota for its cold weather all year long.We set up the building
rotation and height for our genome.Moreover we included a segmented line in the
equation that Galapagos was controlling to cull outcertain parts of the building in order
to achieve highest radiation levels on the building facade. We included a culling
out of some units in the bottom of the building with high shadowing values from surrounding
buildings as well.For Barcelona we decided to add higher obstructing structures surrounding
the building. We also included buidling rotation and height into the genome or the solver.
We set the solver to minimize radiation on the building envelope, and the solution it
optimized wasmostly overshadowed by the surrounding structures.
In the solver set up for Beiut, we obtained an atrium in the center of the building oriented
away from the direction of thesun, thus reducing overall radiation on the building and acting
as a vent leading hot air out of the building core. We also decided to reduce the ammount of
builtup area in places with limited view of the surrounding alternately raising the quality
of the areas that are constructed.