Category Archives: Niccolo Marini


Three different cities being compared by designing a tower that must be
minimized the solar incidence that affects its facade and its shape.
The tower is located in a context of high rise area.
The system in which the tower takes its shape is different from the exercises
done previously. Now the spiral which eliminates the units has bec

ome a
polyline and then it can insert inside the boundaries in a totally different
way . In the points where the polyline changes direction there are extra
elements that can differentiate the shape of the tower.
It is also added the request to find the tower with the smallest possible area.

Three different cities being compared by designing a tower that must be
minimized the solar incidence that affects its facade and its shape.
The city are Beirut, Barcelona and Fargo

Using Goat for a limited time of 20 minutes I developed an array of towers
that seek the best solution regarding the solar radiation incident on the
facade of the tower. With this time limit the various cities have developed
a number of different solutions to each other.
For this research I used Goat with an evolutionary solver (Global, evolutionary
(CRS2)), that implements the same basic ideas as Galapagos.
Using Goat with a global optmization step it searches the entire parametric
model space and identifies an intermediate solution close to the global optimum.


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For Barcelona we decided to add higher obstructing structures surrounding the building.

We also included buidling rotation and height into the genome or the solver. We set the solver to minimize radiation on the building envelope.

COMPARISON BETWEEN GALAPAGOS – GOAT – OCTOPUS – The result obtained through galapagos and goat is very similar,while for octopus is also taken into account the surface of the various floors of the tower. The final result is obtained through the minimization of the useful surface and of the solar radiation

We chose Fargo, North Dakota for its cold weather all year long. We set up the building rotation and height for our genome. Moreover we included a segmented line in the equation that Galapagos was controlling to cull out certain parts of the building in order to achieve highest radiation levels on the building facade.

COMPARISION BETWEEN GALAPAGOS – GOAT – OCTOPUS – The result obtained through galapagos and goat is very similar, the main difference is the way in which is arranged the upper part of the tower and the central void that is perforated in a very different manner. Regarding octopus the goals is to maximize both the solar radiation and the floor area of the various floors and in this way the tower is appears different than previously found.

In the solver set up for Beiut, we obtained an atrium in the center of the building oriented away from the direction of the sun, thus reducing overall radiation on the building and acting as a vent leading hot air out of the building core.

COMPARISION BETWEEN GALAPAGOS – GOAT – OCTOPUS – The result obtained through galapagos and goat is very similar, while in octopus it appears different for the fact that we try to minimize the surface of the various plans and solar radiation. The tower produced by octopus has a central void while the galapagos and goat have a void outsid

e more carved on the facade.






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We chose Fargo, Barcelona and Beirut.
Specially Fargo,North Dakota for its cold weather all year long.We set up the building
rotation and height for our genome.Moreover we included a segmented line in the
equation that Galapagos was controlling to cull outcertain parts of the building in order
to achieve highest radiation levels on the building facade. We included a culling
out of some units in the bottom of the building with high shadowing values from surrounding
buildings as well.For Barcelona we decided to add higher obstructing structures surrounding
the building. We also included buidling rotation and height into the genome or the solver.
We set the solver to minimize radiation on the building envelope, and the solution it
optimized wasmostly overshadowed by the surrounding structures.
In the solver set up for Beiut, we obtained an atrium in the center of the building oriented
away from the direction of thesun, thus reducing overall radiation on the building and acting
as a vent leading hot air out of the building core. We also decided to reduce the ammount of
builtup area in places with limited view of the surrounding alternately raising the quality
of the areas that are constructed.

[Designing Agency]  Akanish Jean - Marini Niccolo - A.1 - 01

[Designing Agency]  Akanish Jean - Marini Niccolo - A.1 - 02      [Designing Agency]  Akanish Jean - Marini Niccolo - A.1 - 03





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