More after the break…
Introductory Studio: Wind Energy Machines
The thought stems from the fact that wind although constant may not be strong enough to generate the required electricity and meet the demand required at all times. Also additional energy generated on otherwise windy days would be wasted if not stored. Furthermore the energy demand would also vary depending on seasons time of the day and other factors.
Thus the idea is to store the energy that is generated. This could be of great use in Valldaura in order to light the dense regions in the forest area. It also hopes to develop into a module that is solar sensitive and can be controlled mechanically as well as thorough technology. Read More »
HEMPself is a wall structure, that produce energy for a production of hemp.
The main aim for the structure/machine is to start a production cycle of plants, which can be used in the daily life at Valdaura.
The machine use waste products from the house of Valdaura in form of grey water. The grey water is pumped from the house to a plantation with help from windturbines. The grey water is filtered and comes out as clean water. In the process the the filtration system (phytodepuration) provide water for the plantation.
The structure protects the hemp plantation from the strong wind from the north, and allow the sun to reach the plants from the south. The small plants are placed near the structure, because they need more shelter from the wind. When the small plants are strong enough, they will be placed further away the wall. In the end the plants will be harvested and will be used as components for structures, textiles etc..
The structure is built out of hemp, which the plantation grows. In that way the cycle produce itself.
The cycle of HEMPself is made.
#01 HEMPself prototype specs:
Weight: 7 kg
Production: 1.7 volts (top turbine) + 1.3 volts (lower turbine)
Windspeed at test: (with 6 m/s)
Next steps
And we say welcome to our new group member - Ricardo