Tag Archives: Karamba
Excerise 2_Team11_Orion Campos_Prawit Kittichanthira
Analysis The building is already extremely efficient. It is made by traditional construction bricks which are generated from two lines and three cosine curves, two of them in the XY plane and the top one in the XZ plane. The utilization graphs show how smart the form is, since the roof, which is the [...]
2nd Exercise / Group 11 – Orion and Prawit
Maximum and Minimum Values: Type of subdivision/displacement(cm) (white to pink)/utilization 100 (red to blue)/utilization 25 75 (red to blue) triangular A/-2.97e-04 to 2.97e+04/-341448% to 322528%/-172849% to 155581% diamondond/-3.27e-03 to 3.27e+05/-471273% to 487941%/-236031% to 255086% quads/-2.00e-04 to 2.00e+04/-216497% to 220479%/-105539% to 110608% Squads/-7.71e-03 to 7.71e+05/-985081% to 963943%/-494696% to 488547% triangular B/-1.80e-03 to 1.80e+05/-427035% to 565655%/-178818% to 322524% hexagonal/-1.38e-03 to [...]