First step (to be able to import the project into Unity 3D) was exporting its elements as OBJ. files from Rhino. I exported separately: the project module, the terrain and the staircase. I divided it into the parts and exported just one module of the project (because my computer wasn’ t able to process it in one file). While exporting I selected Map Rhino Z to OBJ Y and I exported Rhino object names as OBJ objects.
I created a new project in Unity 3D. I imported a new asset- the terrain OBJ. file from Rhino. In order to not allow the player go through the terrain surface I selected the option Generate Colliders.
I created a directional light. I gave it a light blue colour and I decreased its intensity to achieve the willed atmosphere. I set soft shadows. and change the bias into 0.5 in order to have better quality of the shadow contour.
I created a first person controller and changed his location to make him able to walk on the terrain. In character controller I increased the step offset value to make the gamer able to step up a the stairs.
I imported other OBJ. files: staircase and one module of my project. I assigned them new materials. For the staircase and the terrain I used diffuse shader. For the project I downloaded transparent shadow shader which enable shading by transparent objects.
I copied the module and rotated it forming my project final form.
I imported a skybox package, then in render settings I set a sunny sky material.
In order to publish the game, I selected Build and Run and I saved the game file in my hard drive. Below I am presenting the view of the player starting the game.