Disputes between people over power has been distracting my understanding about what actually caused economy and socio culture issues. Not yet to mention about the role of architecture and design in it, I want to express that I believe this harmonised/unharmonised relations between all aspects and disciplines in urban level are caused by power and people who have it. It is a cynical way to say, but a top down effect has always been what I can see and experience, specially in my developing country.
Book: ANIMAL FARM by George Orwell (1945). Source: http://mattcantdraw.deviantart.com/art/Animal-Farm-Cover-256002330
Bandung is the second largest city in Indonesia after the capital city, Jakarta. It is the capital city of one of the main provinces with over than 2.9 million inhabitants. Most of the population is young generation, over than 70% is under 40 years old. Several aspects that are the magnets of the city are culinary, product designs (fashion, home decor, etc) music scenes, creative and innovative gatherings/workshops, art and new media exhibition, and many other things that are closely related to creativity, design, and art, practically, and most of the generators are start ups or self employed. The city is so driven by people’s initiative that perhaps my believe that I mentioned in my first paragraph should be questioned.