G5 Midterm Presentation

Our explorations started with this first experiment, which is made from tape:

1 - the beginning

We decided to continue our exploration of this typology of material, which is notable for its continuity and its bending properties.

As we played around with different configurations of the ribbon, we discovered emergent properties, such as its ability to stretch.

2 - loop stretching hqlr

Inspired by fractals and the idea of growth, we were curious to see how this material could grow and multiply organically. In the following pictures, we can see axial, concentric, and complex forms of growth.

3 - form growth axial hqlr

4 - form growth centric hqlr

5 - form growth complex hqlr

Finally, this experimentation led to our 3d model, in which we curved the entire surface and discovered even more fascinating geometries, such as wormholes.

6 - 3d form model hqlr

In the meantime, for our growth system, we were inspired by the Three Sisters, in which beans, corn, and squash are grown together and form a symbiotic relationship in which the corn provides a structural pole for the beans, which fix nitrogen for the corn, and the squash covers the surrounding soil, retaining water and repelling pests. This form of agriculture is known as companion planting, which is a type of polyculture. Growing different crops together makes efficient use of land, which in turn increases biodiversity and resilience.



There are endless possibilities when it comes to potential growing combinations of different plants – and even more if one includes non-edible plants and also the faunal domain.

8 - companion planting hq300ppi

One of our form system’s greatest advantages is its flexibility and morphability.

9 - diagram asya 2014-11-19 hq1200px

Applied to the site, this form could be used to reduce soil erosion on a slope, to control the amount of light received by plants, to create different layers and orientations of growth, and so on.

diagram 2 [Converted]

The next phase of our project will involve additional exploration of the application of this form and how it can be integrated most effectively with polyculture.

Posted in Asya Guney, Kunaljit Singh Chadha, Mehmet Yilmaz Akdogan | Tagged , , , , , | Comments closed

G4- Aeroponic Propagation and Shaping.


Propagation is a method for developing «Horticultural Clones» using two techniques:Grafting and Budding. This enforces better adaptation qualities, vegetation renewal and correct damaged specimens. While Shaping is altering the structures of trees for asthetics and function. This is acheived by manipulating the roots to adapt to a design. Combining Propagation and Shaping would increase crop yeild while controling the size and direction of the vegitation enclosed in a green house enviroment. The most compatible planting system for this combination is the Areoponic system. This is a process of growing plants in a mist environment without soil or an aggregate medium.

Nutrient throughput :1.5ml/min

Required amount of water to produce a kilogram of tomatoes: 20 liters of water

The optimal pH: 5.8 and 6.3.

Heating/Cooling: 68°F to 90°F (20°C – 32.3°C)

100 % access to the CO2 concentrations ranging from 450 ppm to 780 ppm



Posted in Hashem Joucka, Salvador Martinez, Yasmin Hamza | Tagged , , | Comments closed

G3 – Controlled Twist/Aeroponic system

DSC08714_2 (1)

Form finding

Our aim in the form finding was to speculate on the best and functional shape. We used strings to understand how it’s possible to go further in a controlled twist. Doing several different models we understand which was the best rotation to achieve our goal, and we figure it out that the optimal solution was with a twist of 90°.






Aeroponic System

Aeroponic system is a way of cultivation in which the soil is not necessary for plants growth. A mist of water and nutrients are pumped through nozzles and sprayed on the pendant roots, contained in a close and controlled environment; surplus water can be reused in the system.  Dew Water shall be collected to create a sustainable system.


Technical requirements:

Number of plants harvested:  57

Power needed:  125 W

Water supply:  140 lt

Temperature:   day  between 22-24 °C

night between 16-18 °C

Relative humidity: between 60% and 70%


Production calendar-01


aeroponic model (new)-01

Site analysis 

Parallel to our research on dew collectors we decided to focus on the site analysis to understand how the humidity was distributed on the surface of the area. Even if the difference in perceived humidity was not so evident, we still could make a map of the distribution considering the radiation, the wind and the water flowing. Overlapping all this three site analysis we reached the final mapping of humidity.


141022 - site plan -  for Analysis-01


 Architectural approach


Posted in Borislav Schalev, Giuseppe di Domenico, Juan Diego Ramirez Leon, Lubna Alayeli | Comments closed

Peripatetic Concatenation (G1 – Aeroponics / Mobility)

IMG_3290 BW

When handling large numbers of plants, contamination poses the greatest threat. The coupling of aeroponics with an almost fully automated growth system eliminates most soil-based deterrents as well as plant-to-plant activity, greatly decreasing infection and mortality rates.

Conveyor systems work in tandem with the plants. The interconnected movement and growth will result in a mobile production line capable of effectively yielding a consumable resource continuously. Spacing as well as sorting will respond to required exposure times, increasing the harvest.

Aeroponics saves up to 98% of water compared to soil-based cultivation. Electricity will be needed only during the daytime hours to propel the mobility system, using only 0.373 kW/hr (per growth unit), while the growth units work with 70 – 200 l per crop (tomatoe), ideally at a pH between 6 – 6.7.





Alternate Text:

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Posted in Farah Alayeli, Ngoc Anh Vu, Philip Serif, Shreyas More | Comments closed

G5 _ Form Finding / Growth System

Symbiotic Growth System _ Polyculture

Polyculture is a type of agriculture in which multiple crops are grown in the same space. For example, intercropping results in better use of land by growing together different crops that don’t compete for available resources, while companion planting takes advantage of the symbiotic relationships formed between various plant species in order to enhance growth and provide protection from the environment or from pests. Polyculture offers increased biodiversity, resilience, and efficient use of resources. It also requires much planning and research, both quantitative and qualitative, in order to effectively design a successful growth system.

Posted in Asya Guney, Kunaljit Singh Chadha, Samuel Shapiro | Comments closed