1_The road to Valldaura. The students believe a simple way, ecological and social for making the journey between Barcelona city and hilly Valldaura.
2_To design a simple, austere and contemporary graphic symbol. “Ecologica Valldaura” have been selected as a name.
3_To design a simple web page. The graphic symbol would be used as main design in the web page proposal.
4_ To advertise this new service in two initial points close to Barcelona and Cerdanyola del Vallés cities.
_ To design a teaching workshop. It would be taught at the youth centers of Barcelona city and Cerdanyola del Vallès city.
5_Driver and co-driver could select their future shared journey using the web page http://www.ecologicavalldaura.com.
6_Driver would receive social points as food and culture tickets. Its should collect a significant discounts.
7_ Incentive/Stimulus: To realize many shared travels means to obtain more tickets.
8_Co-Driver would receive social points as food and culture tickets. Its should collect a significant discounts.
9_Chat, social, ecological and shared trip. A different way to travel between short distances.
10_ Shared trip is a way to travel between non communicayed areas.
11_This system could be applied to other tricky areas and tricky citizens.
12_It could become in a profitable as fashionable social trend.
http://www.mitfahrgelegenheit.de. To realize shared trip inside and outside of Deutschland country.
http://www.carrot.mx/site. To rent social cars by hours and days are being used in Mexico D.F. city.
http://mexico.itdp.org. Now what is needed is that people understand the value of the use, car´service,
not so much the product. Xavier Treviño, specialist in transport and urban planning.