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acausal lollipops / anti-smart technology

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner. Every-day life is a causal trap. Every single day connected to cause and effect. Synchronicity concept defined by Carl Gustav Jung, famous swiss psychologist, explores an experience of two or more casually unrelated events, [...]

Posted in Martin Lukac, Theory Seminar | Comments closed

Close encounters with technology and freedom at a perilously young age

The Origin Story This story is told from a passenger seat. The driver at the wheel has nothing to do with me anymore even though he used to be me or I used to be him. All those things in the story are true and this is how they exist in my memory today. It not [...]

Posted in Martin Lukac, Theory Seminar | Comments closed