Tag Archives: inflatable
FABRIcFLATION _ structuring textile techniques
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged 3d Printing, Dafni Zoi Arnellou, digital matter, fabric, Panagiota Sarantinoudi, pneumatic structure Comments closed
Soft Skin I Ceren Temel, Farah Alayeli, Lubna Alayeli, Nina Jotanovic
Soft Skin is a research project that investigates possibilities of using airinflation in architecture, as an active response to constantly changing parameters in environment. The Skin is a new composite material made of thin layers of flexible silicone rubber and elastic fabric. Material system consists of series of inflatable cells combined in groups, which could be [...]
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged ceren temel, digital matter, dmic, farah alayeli, iaac, lubna alayeli, nina jotanovic, pneumatics, silicone, skin, smart, smart materials, soft skin Comments closed