Port i-Fungus

Commercial ports are essential elements for cities growth, prosperity, and play a big role in developing and supporting the trading power of the country or even of bigger regional scale.Ports are the first platform for goods exchange and providing the society needs, But most of the time its functionality is limited to its commercial nature and does not support farther public needs or ecological growth. In general ports expand to claim its surrounding and impose it self on the near environment and can lead to its deterioration. The port iFungus is an experimental approach to promote the ports function and to add a new layer of complexity to its system by providing filtering mechanism inspired from biological systems and fluid dynamics studies which can lead to better ecological system, enhance public interaction, and  landscape outdoor education.

In this stage our objectives are to find the best solution to integrate the filters system to the port using the tectonic features of the area and by considering certain parameters can guide to the main master plan of the system which must respond to the fluctuating behavior of the pollution carried in the wind. Second objective is to experiment with different components responsive designs using Arduino technology to achieve the best way to harvest the harmful gases from air and  process them to have fresh water to be distributed to the surrounding areas.

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