Category Archives: Diana Raquel León Roman

Hyperbordered Port: Final Presentation

Cities as Barcelona were built based on generic data sources. However, the new design agenda goes hand by hand with the technologic evolution. The new urbanization processes requires to consider also new forms of dynamic organization, real time information, responsive and smart systems, and even legal and political evolution.
This is where the project main concern comes from: could the borders in the port be configured by the real time data generated by the city?
The borders define the space, the space makes the function possible. Following that logic, this project tries to generate a dynamic and reactive condition, where the form is no longer a barrier to the function, but an input to multi-functionality.

See the full presentation here.

Project Animation

This animation tries to show an initial schematic idea, broadly, about an architecture that is capable of evolve constantly in order to adapt itself to the different changes that its context generates. A project where the form is no longer a barrier to the function, but an input to multi-functionality.

Prototype Development

This is a short video showing a little about the developing process of the reactive prototypes for the Hyperbordered Port project. The main objective was to test and develop a simple mechanism, which was capable to receive certain inputs in order to obtain certain controlled responses. The final inputs and outputs are detailed on the presentation.

Also posted in Alejandro Nuñez López, Jesus Efrain Sapien Soto | Comments closed

Hyperbordered Port: Mid Term Presentation

Could the borders be configured by real time data generated in the port?
Proposal:  Intervention process, grid, development and optimization.

Plan Detail

Possible Scenarios

Pixel Detail

Also posted in Alejandro Nuñez López, Jesus Efrain Sapien Soto | Comments closed

Hyperborder Port: Border Prototype

The aim of the workshop was the construction of a prototype of a single module from the proposal for the studio project: Hyperbordered Port. The important thing was the development of the unit referring to the entire system.

The prototype of the unit was developed in order to study the function of the hydraulic system in the module. The element used for the hydraulic system were the syringes. The syringes were connected such a way that the water pushed in one side was used to lift a surface besides.

The same hydraulic concept was used to build a system of the units. This piece shows the interaction of the modules

This exercise was helpful to understand the function of a unit in order to come back to the project with the same hydraulic concept.

Also posted in Alejandro Nuñez López | Comments closed

Hyperborder Port: Nader Tehrani Review

Barcelona Port is in the edge of the city where different flows and fixities coexist together. The suggestion that different footage took from the port gave to us was the notion of the border. Boundaries or limits are part of the natural and urban composition that could be considered as negotiators between elements and actions; flows and fixities. The perception of the border is predominant in a port. Besides the idea that a port is the limit between the water and the land, it also means political, urban, social and economic boundaries.

The concept of the first approach we developed from the site was a visual record of all the type of limits we found in the port. The waterfront is a limit between the land and the water that has been shaped through the time. Also we found important to refer Kevin Lynch description of borders: “Borders are linear elements not used or considered as paths by the observer.They are the boundaries between two phases, linear breaks in the continuity. These border elements are for many people importan organizing featureas, particularly in the role of holding together generalized areas”. For us, this concept is very important in order to understand the image of borders that cities have, and maybe even rethink it.

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Also posted in Alejandro Nuñez López | Comments closed