Hyperbordered Port: Final Presentation

Cities as Barcelona were built based on generic data sources. However, the new design agenda goes hand by hand with the technologic evolution. The new urbanization processes requires to consider also new forms of dynamic organization, real time information, responsive and smart systems, and even legal and political evolution.
This is where the project main concern comes from: could the borders in the port be configured by the real time data generated by the city?
The borders define the space, the space makes the function possible. Following that logic, this project tries to generate a dynamic and reactive condition, where the form is no longer a barrier to the function, but an input to multi-functionality.

See the full presentation here.

Project Animation

This animation tries to show an initial schematic idea, broadly, about an architecture that is capable of evolve constantly in order to adapt itself to the different changes that its context generates. A project where the form is no longer a barrier to the function, but an input to multi-functionality.

Prototype Development

This is a short video showing a little about the developing process of the reactive prototypes for the Hyperbordered Port project. The main objective was to test and develop a simple mechanism, which was capable to receive certain inputs in order to obtain certain controlled responses. The final inputs and outputs are detailed on the presentation.

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