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Cruise Terminal-BCN 361 Prototype Workshop

In this workshop with Edouard Cabay we have been working developing a structural strip made of parts able to morph into the different parts of an Arc (based on their structural properties, keystone and voussoir mainly) modifying the angle of each one. The entire structure will work in three main concepts, Morph (each strip piece), Strech (several pieces to create curves) and Push (entire structure).

The prototype we built during the workshop its manually modified to achieve different arcs depending on the angle of each “keystones” that generates the strip. The next step is to connect a longer-improved surface to a force able to move it and be responsive to the different inputs (flows) through sensors connected to an arduino board and a database.

Also posted in Avershima Iyortyer, Noor Alain Ahmed | Comments closed

(In)Visible City

Invisible City as a project has gone through a process of  research, analysis and hypothesis and we are now looking at the translation of the design objectives into a feasible project.

Sound forms the central trigger of a design system that is an intervention in the visible-invisible landscape of the ocean and the port. Data gathered by sound sensors, placed at the bottom of the ocean bed and along the port shoreline, is translated into a matrix of usable spectrum of values. This then activates the sound responsive platform to rise to and above the water surface to varying heights, depending on the sound input received. The scale of the expanse and height of the platforms is the output, directly related to the input-sound.

Constraints and parameters were arrived at taking into consideration time available for the movement of the platforms, ship and cargo movement on the surface of the water, port activities as well as the design programme of the Sound City activities.

Also posted in Fernando Barbas Castillo, Giorgio Badalacchi Moncada, Shruthi Basappa | Tagged , , | Leave a comment