(In)Visible City

Invisible City as a project has gone through a process of  research, analysis and hypothesis and we are now looking at the translation of the design objectives into a feasible project.

Sound forms the central trigger of a design system that is an intervention in the visible-invisible landscape of the ocean and the port. Data gathered by sound sensors, placed at the bottom of the ocean bed and along the port shoreline, is translated into a matrix of usable spectrum of values. This then activates the sound responsive platform to rise to and above the water surface to varying heights, depending on the sound input received. The scale of the expanse and height of the platforms is the output, directly related to the input-sound.

Constraints and parameters were arrived at taking into consideration time available for the movement of the platforms, ship and cargo movement on the surface of the water, port activities as well as the design programme of the Sound City activities.

Posted in Fernando Barbas Castillo, Giorgio Badalacchi Moncada, Shruthi Basappa, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Development of prototype with Edouard Cabay

Exploration of wood as a bending material, during the workshop, helped us conceive multiple curves with a strip of wood spanning 10m by 0.1m. This wooden strip was made of 3 layers. 2 of which were used to achieve the length, give thickness and more tension to the strip. The 3rd layer consisted of smaller strips countering the bending effect of the joint between 2 wooden strips.

Our prototype was tested and initially built at 1:1 scale and later translated to a 1:10 scale to achieve multiple curves in one pushing action. A rail system, along the strip was used to be able to transport 20 kg  of weight at the desired anchor points so as to behave like the containers on our site.
The testing is being continued at 1:10 scale with same material but different mechanisms of pushing and anchoring

Posted in Anna Popova, Emily Santos, Minu Surana | Comments closed

Workshop with Edouard Cabay

The aim of the workshop was to create a responsive modul of our system using in the Emergent Territories studio project, where the excercise is to redevelop the Port of Barcelona. Using fabric material, different joints were made against stretching forces to achieve the strongest connection between the fabric and the supporting structure. Also, we tried to ‘print’ the fabric with laser cutter, to make faster the folding process and being more detailed / specific. Because of its repsonsive properties, one facade of the modul was managed to making movement in different angles – according to the amount of our interested inputs.

Posted in Ahmad Derhalli, Aron Biro | Comments closed

Group 5 presentation for the review with Nader Tehrani

A space may be defined by its usage, environment, volume and time. Port de Barcelona is one such space being characterized and having unfathomed attributes of the same, yet to be explored. An orchestrated play of such spaces may be constructive, liberating and help redefine the fundamental concept of port spaces.

video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O9i3Z5z2QQ

Posted in Anna Popova, Emily Santos, Minu Surana, PortHacker | Tagged , | Comments closed

Cruise Terminal Barcelona

Based on a investigation on social networking related to tourism, specifically from cruise passengers, we got some conclusions, there is an existing lack of connectivity to the city (only one way and crowded the times in use), waste of time from cruise passengers trying to reach the city even when they have only  a few hours to enjoy, a significant percentage of passengers that stays on the cruise-port, long non apt walkable distances.  The result of this is to design a new terminal based on mobility systems existing in a new grid responsive to interests of people, the design respond basically to flows, movement and spaces, there is a first approach to a basic module that try to achieve all parameters of design. Graphics showing the position of the cruise terminal related with the network of the city and the incoming passengers, in summary we gathered types of user related to their mobility preferences, our first approach, open new ways to get into the city network, Montjuic and the Beach.

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Posted in Avershima Iyortyer, Noor Alain Ahmed, Pavel Aguilar Urquidez | Comments closed