Category Archives: Stone Spray

Stone Spray

Stone Spray

Anna Kulik, Inder Shergill, Petr Novikov

StoneSpray is a research project which pushes the boundaries of digital manufacturing and explores the possibilities of an on-site fabrication machines. StoneSpray uses a robot that works with soil as a main building material and mixes it with a liquid solidifier and uses a jet spray system to spray the mix on the surfaces to create structures. By understanding the material nature of the mixture unique forms emerge. With the property of building structures on already existing forms and the freedom of growing structures horizontally there are a lot of opportunities for research. The growth of the structures is dependent on the material placement and experiments have been carried out with and without structural support.

More information please find on our web-site Stone Spray

Also posted in Anna Kulik, Inder Prakash Singh Shergill, news, Petr Novikov, Phase 3, Sand, Students | Comments closed