Category Archives: Pavlos Bakagiannis

Pet Flakes

Emergent ecological problems require a different approach as far as the architectural practice is concerned. Due to the current hazardous state of ecological imbalance, architecture owes to be both responsive and responsible. We need to move further than vague design. Creation is the essence of the profession but has to embrace a different, sustainable mentality. As architecture cannot be seen independently from its environment-and especially today more than any time in the past-the design, the material and the actual architectural process must comply with and adapt to the occurred environmental needs.
Triggered by the global issue of plastic waste and its consequences, the project seeks to contribute to the literal purge of the problem. Instead of using an aggregate raw material, it exploits the potential of a material coming immediately from post-consumer waste approaching it according to an innovative manner. Thus, plastics coming straight from garbage are used in order to explore the relation between matter, design and technology.
Also posted in Akram Ahmed Salah, Christiana Vlanti, Phase 3, Students, Theodoros Grousopoulos | Comments closed