1. PlanIt Valley
Location: Paredes,Portugal
Entities: LivingPlanIT
Category: Masterplanning/Urban OS
State: Under Construction
links: http://living-planit.com/planit_valley.htm
2. Smart City Santander
Entities: Cantabria University,Telefonica
Location: Santander,Spain
Category: Urban OS
State: Under Construction
links: http://www.smartsantander.eu/
3. Sociopolis
Entities: Generalitat Valenciana
Location: Valencia,Spain
State: Under Construction
Category:Sustainability,Nature/District Masterplanning
links: http://www.sociopolis.net/web/sociopolis.php
4. Emergency Respond System Madrid
Entities: City of Madrid, IBM
Location: Madrid,Spain
Category: Public Safety
State: Constructed
links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EtH25GA_F4 h
5. Road Charging System
Entities:Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA)/Stockholm City Council
Location: Stockholm,Sweden
Category: Transportation
State: Constructed
links: http://www.ibm.com/podcasts/howitworks/040207/index.shtml
6. The CopenhagenWheel
Entities: Ministry of the Environment/MIT SENSEable City Lab
Location: Copenhague, Denmark
Descripcion: new emblem for urban mobility/ hybrid e‐bikes that also
function as mobile sensing units
Category:Transportation/Urban Mobility
State: Constructed
links: http://senseable.mit.edu/copenhagenwheel/
7. Smart City Malaga
Entities: Malaga City Hall,Endesa
Location: Malaga,Spain
Descripcion: SmartGrid/ integración óptima de fuentes de energía
renovable en la red eléctrica
Category: Energy
State: Project
links: http://www.smartcitymalaga.es/