Let’s clear something up here – why pink? Why “the Pink Ribbon“?
Its quite simple really. Something along the lines of:
It’s better to be talked about for something bad than not to be talked about at all.
That is not to say that pink is bad – it simply stands out. The derivation of the name comes from an intense brainstorming session from the entire team, and was a collaborative effort in good spirits. The result? Something quite unforgettable. A brand. An Icon.
The First and foremost topic to officially cover in this blog will of course be the core of the entire project:
The project looks great, but does it produce energy?
The answer is quite simple. Yes. The movement of a wind belt does not allow for the use of a dynamo – as the belt osculates as opposed to rotating - a movement which recognisably produces more energy than rotation. The inability of being able to simply strap on a dynamo has lead to an indepth and exhausting experimentation and exploration of the transition of potential energy into kinetic energy.
The results of the tests will be published soon. Please be patient, as more testing is required to ensure a broad spectrum of research for a conclusive summary.
What is the Pink Ribbon?
The pink ribbon is a wind belt with an edge. It is being developed to be employed as one of the most accessible and adaptable forms of energy harvesting available.
The prototype itself is quite a simple structure. The main components being the ribbon, and the coils & magnet. The combination of these three components are the core requirements of the product. The current standing model is a prototype developed to explore stacking multiple units, as well as to research variations in aerodynamics, ribbon materials, various coil & magnet combinations, and the location of the coils & magnets on the ribbon.
An operation manual was developed to explain the assembly of a Pink Ribbon DIY kit.
The small size, low cost, portability and adaptability of the Pink Ribbon allows it to be implemented into almost any scenario. North Wind has been developing a number of these scenarios – such as hand-held devices; devices to hang from a tree; window infill units; and outdoor furniture components.
Although extensive energy research has already been completed and is currently being concluded and compiled, North Wind is still working to push the design of the Pink Ribbon to another level. Both in terms of technological innovation and design optimisation. We hope that you will continue to follow our work to see where the next stages of the product will be, and the final resolution.