Category Archives: Rafael Vargas

dicht bij het lichaam | week 3


Final week of the research studio. Shape of the wearable is more less agreed and so is its behavior. A week of production. Public presentation should include the functioning prototype of the garment, as well as the ones from the previous two weeks. This week will also be about strategies and scenarios of bringing the product to the market, which means considering the target group of users, promoting the sustainable product and offer
a strategy of its advertising,marketing and selling/renting. Read More »

Also posted in Bert Balcaen, Gemma Vila, Martin Lukac | Comments closed

dicht bij het lichaam | week 2

Back in the studio with a handful of components and a faint idea of the outcome by the end of the week. Exciting. This is the second week of Close to the Body. The same teams return to their prototypes and rethink, reiterate and redesign the wearable objects in order to make them sense and actuate and form some kind of communication among the wearable, the body and its surroundings.

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Also posted in Bert Balcaen, Gemma Vila, Martin Lukac | Comments closed

dicht bij het lichaam | week 1

The first week of this studio focussed on the experiential in the design process. In a way, you could call this a bottom up approach: our designs grew out of a personal experience each one of us had in Valldaura. This is the opposite of the top down way of designing, where an abstract, theoretical concept is the point of departure. The motto was: “show, don’t tell”. We were encouraged to focus on what we felt during our experiences in Valldaura and explore those very subjective feelings through quick prototypes.

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Also posted in Bert Balcaen, Gemma Vila, Martin Lukac | Comments closed