Publishing a Processing sketch

Please follow these instructions for publishing your Processing sketches in the blog:

1.- Connect to IAAC’s FTP with your favorite FTP software.
2.- Upload the Processing files (.pde) to your folder (optional: create more folders inside yours to have your sketches orginized)
3.- In the WordPress admin panel create a New Post and make sure that the content field is in HTML mode (not Visual mode)
4.- Type the text you want as an explanation of the task and include a canvas tag indicating the path to your file in the attribute data-processing-sources
5.- Add to the canvas tag the width and height attributes indicating the size of your processing canvas
6.- Add categories and tags to your post… and we are good to go! (I mean, click the Update button ;)

Here is an example, your canvas tag should look something like this:
<canvas width="640" height="480" data-processing-sources=""></canvas>

You should see the following sketch:

FYI: we’re using Processing JS to make processing sketches work in the browser. Please visit the plug-in’s page to read more info about it.

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