Author Archives: admin

Smart Citizen Alarm

Applications, benefits and relations between: 1/Intelligence, 2/Disabilities and 3/Health. Smart citizen platform/system could convert in a way of relevant information. It could improve the quality of life as well as the smart citizen security. It could convert in a special data capture. In this sense, smart citizen platform could become in an accurate tool. It [...]

Posted in Nazaret Cano, Smart Net | Comments closed

Intelligence, disabilities and health.

Applications, benefits and relations between: 1/Intelligence, 2/Disabilities and 3/Health. Smart citizen platform/system could convert in a way of relevant information. It could improve the quality of life as well as the citizen security. 1/Smart citizen platform could be assistant tool for police and intelligence services. It could convert in a special data capture for solving [...]

Posted in Nazaret Cano, Smart Net | Comments closed