Category Archives: Diana Raquel León Roman

Ecotec final assigment

The following project is a CASA-STUDIO located in a residual space between buildings. Solar analysis will be applied to this building in order to understand the light effect.

The studies proposed for this exercise were: daily shadows analysis, monthly shadows analysis, solar analysis on the building, solar analysis on facades,  daylight analysis, ray light analysis ant thermal comfort analysis.

Refer to the complete analysis: FINAL ASSIGMENT ECOTEC

Also posted in Ecotect, IC.4 Digital Tools: Rhino | Comments closed

Group 1 DT3



The purpose of this project was to explore the advantages of the FDM printing as a fabrication technique. For this exercise, it was developed a set of prototypes of joints for a mechanical assembly. The design of the joints gave the final piece the ability to expand and retract. Basically there were used 3 variations of the same joint for the structure to achieve 3 different behaviors.

The 3D printing process required that all the edges of the pieces were worked in such a way that no opening could be identified. This was the most important part in order to have a successful file that would work for the 3D printing machine. During the exportation process, we had some joints that showed problems in the edges. Finally, we arranged the file and all the edges were closed. However, when we got the final pieces printed, some of them were stick together. We are not sure if it was because of the digital design or the washing process.

See the full process document here.

Also posted in Alejandro Nuñez López, IC.4 Digital Tools: Rhino, Nasim Fashami | Comments closed

Group 1 DT2



This project was developed to explore the CNC milling processes through different digital designs, materials and tools. The materials selected were the Valchromat (595 x 395 x 24mm) and the Polyurethane. For this exercise, we study the design possibilities between Rhino and Rhino CAM in order to calibrate them with the milling machine.

Specific parameters were given for the design of the pieces. First, for the Valchromat it was required to explore shapes that show the three layers within the board. On the other hand for the Polyurethane, it was requested to keep a curved base shape and explore geometries on the surface.

The concept used for the Valchromat, was to create soft curves that allows the interaction between the layers of the board. In the case of the Polyurethane, the surface was worked with gentle shape in order to respect the characteristics of the material. The simulation process with Rhino CAM gave us the idea of tool path effect on the final pieces; so many shapes were explored to change the design and tool sizes.

The final shape for the Valchromat took 1 hour. But, this result could be more efficient if the tool size gets increased. Also, a big size to the tool path creates a softer finish on the piece, considering the features of the material. However; as the Polyurethane milling is on hold, the final review and comments for the design will be developed after the conclusion of the exercise.

See the full process document here.

Also posted in Alejandro Nuñez López, IC.4 Digital Tools: Rhino, Nasim Fashami | Comments closed

Group 1 DT1



The lamp is a project developed as an exercise to use the laser cutter. By using cardboard opalina 61x54cm 250gr, as material and bending as technique we explored physic models.

At first by simple shape of bended paper, the main structure has been distinguished. By this clarified beginning, we started thinking about the connections and the exact size of shapes to make it stable. The lamp fabrication was developed with a combination of two and three-dimensional modeling. Initially, each piece was developed in a two dimensional stage in order to understand the cutting process by using the laser cutter. With this exercise, we had the opportunity to experiment with different styles of cutting and engraving. Once we got the first idea with the two-dimensional projection, the modeling part by Rhino was a necessary tool to understand how the entire structure of the lamp works.

However, as our material was cardboard in combination with bending technique, we found more useful to cut pieces from the two dimensional model. This process gave us the opportunity to bend the cardboard as the design needed.

In order to develop a more efficient work we put the engraved design as the first task for the laser cutter, and the cutting process as a second task. In general, the cutting process took a few minutes, and the final product was well done.

See the full process document here.

Also posted in Alejandro Nuñez López, IC.4 Digital Tools: Rhino, Nasim Fashami | Comments closed