Human-centered design in context of architecture. New Input.


Research considers the term of Human-centered Design in context of architecture. Essentially this term is used in context of product design, it was invented for that context. One of the main features of it is concentration in people’s needs, minds. Design, oriented to people. Design, which involves them in, as a factor of influence. Concentration less on an object of design, but on its parameters, and the most important of the parameters is human.

In context of architecture this term can have even more output, different perspectives and variable decisions. How to understand and simulate the human-mind factor and include it in the container of standard functions for a building, open space or architecture in general? And how to invent a new kind of “architectural program” or “architectural concept”, which contains functions, based on analysis of peoples needs primarily and thinking of the ensuing influence on architectural expression?

Focusing on “the architectural program” in a critical approach to traditional conceptions of architectural programs (based on functionalism), and confront to emergent programs in architecture, that may be able to capture dynamic input, fluctuating flows may allow a tremendous shift on the way spaces are designed and used.

Bibliographic References

Deleuze, Gilles. 1980: Thousand plateaus, “Body without Organs”
Sullivan, Louis. 1896: The tall office building, artistically considered
De Landa, Manuel. 2002: On Deleuze’s “Body without Organs”
GE Healthcare global design. 2011. Adventure series

GE Healthcare global design. 2011. Children MR scanner designs.

Brown, Tim. 2009: Open lecture. London Oxford

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