Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hand-Made vs Machine-Made Protocols Workshop

The Hand-Made vs Machine-Made Protocols Seminar started last week, and already some very  interesting structures are being developed.

The students also had a first crit with Anupama Kundoo, Arndt Goldack, Areti Markopoulou, Silvia Brandi and Gerd Fleischmann.

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The curious spectator

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structural book bay

Grid 1- the chain below is formed through folding the pages of 2 or more books into each other, with the spines facing outward. when this connection is used to form different geometries, the combinations can be compressed together as a system into various arcs, vaults and double-curve modules. the malleability of the interlocked pages within the books allow the form to follow a curve, while the spines of each book act in compression to provide rigidity. we see this system as a jumping off point for developing an interlocking gridshell system or the creation of a woven surface where all members are acting in compression.

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Also posted in Rasha Sukkarieh, Robert Douglas McKaye | Comments closed

The shelf


An arrangement that connects books vertically and horizontally forming a shelf like structure that could hold books. Units are made by  interlocking the leaves of two or more books.

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The Scaler Joint


Explores the possibility of making  partitions using books of varying sizes. Smaller books (mostly paperback) are interlocked with larger (hardbound) books at mid height. This sort of arrangement tries to take advantage of the sizes and character of each book ie; it uses the strength of the hardbound but relies on the smaller, thinner paperback books for interlocking of different units.

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