Category Archives: Students


T3 – Rhizome

Going against the arborescent structure, where the society follows a linear and hierarchical system, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari proposed a new system based on multiplicity and connections, defined as Rhizome.


    Women Are Heroes, JR (2008) – Favela Morro da Providência, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.

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Digital Logics_T2

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Case Study: Rolex Learning Center, SANAA

Text: Deleuze and the Genesis of form, MANUEL DELANDA

What does the genesis of form and structure involve? If they were created then the creator employs resources beyond the capabilities of the material substratum of the same forms and structures, sometimes imposing explicitly transcendental defining forms on infertile materials. Far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics appreciates morphogenesis where matter is an active material agent and form is not an external imposition. Read More »

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T4 – Emergence_Johnson

Assigment 2

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6 (1)


“As a style, parametricism is marked by its aims, ambitions, methodological principles, and evaluative criteria, as well as by its characteristic formal repertoire.”Patrik Schumacher.
Parametricism has fully emerged in recent years becoming a new dominant style for Avant- garde Architecture. Based on advanced parametric design systems and scripting techniques, this new style can be implicated on all scales from architecture and interior design to large scale urban design having the capacity to articulate programmatic complexity. Avant-garde architecture is being able to adapt to the demands of the socio-economic era of post-Fordism through various parametric techniques like animation, simulation and parametric modelling. These techniques have led to new architectural movement which by using these tools are inspiring new values and ambitions.
While some disagree with the notion of categorizing work to fit into a style, Schumacher calls for a conceptual reconstruction, meaning that we must disregard style as a matter of appearance, and move to understand style as “a design research program conceived in the way that paradigms frame scientific research programs.”
Although parametric tools are prominent drive for this new style parametricism, however they are not the main factor which shifted modernism to parametricism. Rather it’s the usage of these tools from a way to absorb complexity into a way to amplify visual differentiation logics.
The advancement within prametricism relates to 5 agendas that shall push design processes further:
1. Parametric Inter-articulation of Sub-systems: Scripted association of multiple subsystems with interrelations of differentiations.
2. Parametric Accentuation: Emphasizing differentiations and deviations.
3.Parametric Figuration: When quantitative paramentric modifications create amplified qualitative variations.
4.Parametric Responsiveness: Real time kinetic adaptation to occupation patterns and environment.
5.Parametric Urbanism: To integrate the building morphology – all the way to the detailed tectonic articulation and the interior organization.

In the first two paragraphs of City of tomorrow, le Corbusier contrasted the straight line with pack donkey way. He admired the regular roman cities and believed that the house the city and the urban scale should be ordered otherwise it would oppose itself. However today we can reveal an underlying logic out of nature’s chaotic patterns. Frei Otto, has done several studies to find the hidden logic of nature’s complex patterns, and also his pioneering work analyzing urban settlements based on two fundamental processes: occupying and connecting. Frei Otto distinguishes three fundamental types of configuration: direct path networks, minimal path
networks and minimizing detour networks. His form finding processes could raise the talk about relational fields comprised of correlated sub-layers. Likewise parametricism aims to construct new field logics that operate via the mutually accentuating correlation of multiple urban systems: fabric modulation, street systems, system of open spaces etc. The agenda of deep rationality implies that the fabric modulation also extends to the tectonic articulation.

What’s a bit problematic about Patrik’s text, is that first he relate computational techniques to for an aesthetical realm, when aesthetics has nothing to do with design processes. Further he strictly defines parametricim as a style while it could be more defined as a research technique and form finding process. To categorize it into a style would be overwhelming especially when he emphasize about the parametric role to compute and to manage paramount effects through technical variations. Yes, prametricism is a new technique rather than a style in avant -garde architecture, and it has to do with manipulation complex system to control various inputs in architecture. Whether it’s more or less differentiated, organic or with sharp angles, ordered or chaotic , it is an irrelevant estimation for what defines a better architecture from another.
As a research topic, I would like to investigate in what ways parametricism could enhance performative architecture and specific sensory experiences. When different atmospherical variations are controlled, in what way would these qualities appear?

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Case Study: Sendai Mediatheque l Toyo İto, Matsuro Sasaki

Reading Text: Emergence- The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software l Steven Johnson

Emergence is a tour of what are called adaptive self-organising systems: systems that are made up of many interacting agents who are individually not terribly smart, but who collectively come up with intelligent higher-level behavior. An ant colony is a great example of this kind of system: nobody is technically “in charge”, and yet somehow the ants manage to behave in astonishingly complex and amazing ways: quickly determining the shortest distance to a nearby food source, shifting roles among the colony members in response to changing needs in the real world, ants wander randomly, and upon finding food return to their colony while laying down pheromone trails. If other ants find such a path, they are likely not to keep traveling at random, but instead follow the trail laid by earlier ants, returning and reinforcing it if they eventually find food .Thus, when one ant finds a short path from the colony to a food source, other ants are more likely to follow that path, and such positive feedback eventually leaves all the ants following a single path.

The idea of the ant colony algorithm is to mimic this behavior with “simulated ants” walking around the search space representing the problem to be solved. The ant colony can be run continuously and can adapt to changes in real time. This is of interest in network routing and urban transportation systems. It turns out that the world is filled with these systems: in the formation of city neighborhoods, in the way our immune system learns about new invading microorganisms, in the neuronal connections of our brains. Johnson notes that this self re- organizing stems from the bottom up rather than directed by an external control factor

The 5 fundamental principals the author talks about are as follows

More is different – The drastic variation and complexity in terms of behavior and numbers is good for the higher outcome of work

Ignorance is useful -The ants demonstrate ignorance and carry out the task assigned rather than worry about complexity of the structure which could lead to further disaster

Encourage random encounters – The ants have an element of distributed computation to it involving the population of ants. They work without any orders and are able to adapt to transformation and change

Look for patterns – Exploit a global data structure that changes dynamically as each ant transverses the various route. They follow their ancestors, and the pheromones in them help them find their path and colonies they belong to.

Pay attention to your neighbors – An individual ant alters its behavior based on the behavior of other ants that it happens to encounter, involving probabilistic transitions and interaction among ants for better running of their colony and adapt to change for good when required.

The problem with the web is that it’s already far larger than the largest city on the planet, and it’s growing at an unprecedented clip, despite the recent economic downturn. When the great cities of the world experienced growth spurts, they dealt with the problem of growing too big too fast by developing neighborhoods – clusters of like-minded people gathering together and sharing their ideas within the larger metropolitan context. The web needs to undergo a similar transformation in order for it to deal with its growth rate. It needs to learn how to cluster.

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