economics of sustainability Hashem Joucka
Tag Archives: iaac
Economics of Sustainability
Posted in Yanna Haddad Also tagged architecture, economics, Economics of Sustainability, maa Comments closed
Impact of Transportation on Regional Social and Economica Connectivity
Posted in Joy Alexandre Harb Kadiri Also tagged architecture, Economics of Sustainability, MAA01, movement, transportation Comments closed
faster – higher – costlier
In a time after the big financial crisis of the western world and in global economic and social insecurity huge international sports events face numerous problems and public critique. Already Caesar in ancient Rome knew that panem et circenses are an efficient way to maintain people busy and distracted. It was a fix social event [...]
São Paulo Bicycle Lanes: Union between private and public Sector
It is a common understanding today that the public transport needs to be the majority of the kinds of transportation in a city. In a first moment a metro line or the renewal of an old infrastructure of public buses may appear expensive, but through the long therm, they represent a lower impact on the [...]
Posted in Orion Gorrao Moreira Campos, Uncategorized Also tagged architecture, Bicycle, Bicycle Lane, economics, MAA01, Sao Paulo Comments closed