future of “physical” meetings.

What is my product and what are my inspirations?

This exercise intends to thrive into the physical part of meetings. What technologies do we have already that may help us have a more suitable meeting space. How should be that meeting space? The future of meetings will compose of two big players. The physical player and the remote player. What else can we add or arrange (besides computers, laptops and screens) to have a seamless integration of team players in a physical meeting. My product incorporates new office pieces to make a new kind of meeting room. One where the most important piece are the people that are meeting. The circular walls  provide the spatial condition to have a broad view of what’s happening in the meeting. It integrates physical with virtual services to provide a seamless experience for meetings. It does not necessarily need a native software because it focuses on the arrangement of available hardware. A laptop computer and mobile devices (already accessible) work. The center piece of a table is removed. Although a small table is provided as a personal additive to your chair, our product promotes that the tables should be virtual.
See Bert’s and Furqan’s post (http://legacy.iaacblog.com/mai-2012-2013-future-of-workplace/2013/04/before-the-meeting/). They are bringing  the table into software.

What does it include?

The basics of a meeting room but arranged in a different way.

Chairs physical-Which provide rotating angles. Minimal personal table space and capabilities of remote meetings.
If you are remote- You will have a physical space within the reunion. Others will have to look at your position to see at your face expressions. You can also rotate, move, zoom ext. Remote “meeters” will no longer belong to the same screen in which other important stuff is being projected or showed. You should be able to look at everyone.

Back Projections- No longer meetings will have a punctual focus point for presentations. Doublescreens with angled projections provide simultaneous wide views for everyone arranged the meeting. Two of these screens can be projecting the presentation interface and the other can have important information not directly related to the presentation. For example: weather conditions, information about team members in the meeting, space for presenter to drag and drop complementing information etc.

Nfc instant sign in-Recognition of mobile phones for profile integration when you arrive prior to meeting. It provides the correct identification, what group or team you belong to and what is your position. When someone enters the room, his/her mobile device sync your “meety” or social network profile into the meeting. Your business info is synced via near field communication. It’s like a sign in with your phone or mobile device. This is also alredy available.

The product should be of interest for new emerging companies that want to keep up with technology and that may have an open space that can be arranged in these ways for meetings. People that want the meetings to be concise and that want to bring the visual aspect onto people and not tables and computers. For these guys the meeting will be more of a work experience than a normal meeting. These is for great importance for the productiveness of a company or a group. The product bases it’s service in the correct mix of available software and hardware that may be already in an office. It is customized for every case. In every case every player can watch screens but everybody can watch you also. The decision of where to watch falls in the team player and not the limitations of hardware/software capabilities available.

A correct meeting place should provide the tools for the continuation of productive work and not the stoppage to “discuss” that often derails to other things that are not important, especially if everybody is looking at their own stuff and not paying attention. Correct concise, powerful meetings. This is something that we can steal from Jedis.

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