Monthly Archives: November 2012

Computer Vision / Interstitial Fragment Processor

A synaesthetic realization of the latent mass within negative spaces, the Interstitial Fragment Processor collects and drops the contoured shapes formed within and between the bodies of its participants. Elastic red and blue animated objects plummet toward the gallery floor, producing audiovisual improvisations on vertical descent and collision.

Posted in Int Programming, Martin Lukac, References | Comments closed

Computer Vision / Eyecode 2007

Eyecode (Golan Levin, 2007) is an interactive installation whose display is wholly constructed from its own history of being viewed. By means of a hidden camera, the system records and replays brief video clips of its viewers’ eyes. Each clip is articulated by the duration between two of the viewer’s blinks. The unnerving result is [...]

Posted in Int Programming, Martin Lukac, References | Comments closed

Sounds of Journey

The idea is simple to translate the journey of a person into a continuous stimulation of moods and emotion. Sounds the resultant of this stimulation is produced by changing speed, direction,relative distance to A & B and the compass “look direction” to produce a multitrack “song” that with time, the user can play with it’s [...]

Posted in Exercises, Furqan Habib, Int Programming, Lucas De Sordi | Comments closed

Your moves into sound

Ever wondered what would happen if you tracked your motion, used your motion parameters in building a sound wave? I also wondered and thought we can try. Click here to listen to the result (ps: it is super noisy). The initial idea was to track my skateboard rides and map the falls! (because I fall [...]

Posted in Exercises, Int Programming, Moushira Elamrawy | Comments closed

computer vision. ping

PING is a low-tech augmented reality videogame that overlays a moving pixel to a videosignal. The pixel bounces off from objects that are darker than a specific threshold value. More about this projects at

Posted in Gerda Antanaityte, Int Programming, References, Students | Comments closed