Category Archives: Gerda Antanaityte

computer vision. Soak, Dye in light

“Soak, Dye in light.” by everyware (2011) is an empty canvas but when you touch it, its elastic surface stretches and gets suffused with projected vivid colors mimicking fabric absorbing dye. Poking and rubbing with hands or resting their body on this spandex canvas allows visitors to soak this canvas in virtual dye and create own patterns.

SOAK from on Vimeo.

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antiMap exercise. Home

What is your home’s relation with you? Is it missing you when you away, anticipate when you are coming back or turning to it’s direction? Making this exercise I’ve tried to visualize it.

home from Gerda Antanaityte on Vimeo.

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computer vision. ping

PING is a low-tech augmented reality videogame that overlays a moving pixel to a videosignal. The pixel bounces off from objects that are darker than a specific threshold value. More about this projects at

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computer vision. the cage

“La Gabbia” (The Cage) by auroraMeccanica (2011) is an installation that uses projection to invite the public to interact with physical bird cage to trigger the release of projected birds. At the center of a darkened room, a birdcage hanging from the ceiling it’s lit only by the white beam of the projector and its on the wall. Uncover the bird’s presence through playing a game, a very simple game in which we just have to push the cage and shake it.

I found this beautiful project here

La Gabbia – auroraMeccanica – videoinstallazione interattiva from auroraMeccanica on Vimeo.

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visualizing data. Playing with interface

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